I’ve got the cutest gift bag to share with you. It is so simple and you can easily adapt it for larger sizes. I found the original instructions from Jackie Bolhuis and I have adapted it for metric measurements.

Today is Paper Bag Day and with our Designer Series Paper you can make beautiful paper bags. As it’s Christmas in July, what better time to create some beautiful gift bags to get ready for our busy festive season.

6"x6" gift bag, Designer Series Paper, Quick Make, Tidings of Christmas, Tidings & Trimmings Bundle, Gift Wrapping, Gift Bag, Stampin' Up!, SU

When you want some quick gift wrapping, this bag is definitely something you will go to.

Using just 2 sheets of 6″x6″ paper it takes about 5 minutes to put together.

I’ll be sharing a PDF with measurements for this gift bag in my newsletter this week. You can then print it out and keep it for reference.

Watch my video tutorial here.

6"x6" gift bag, Designer Series Paper, Quick Make, Tidings of Christmas, Tidings & Trimmings Bundle, Gift Wrapping, Gift Bag, Stampin' Up!, SU

Our new Mini Catalogues are being posted out soon. This includes new Christmas products. If you would like a copy, please complete the form below or alternately text me on 0404 255 001 or email rochelle@stampingflair.com

The Designer Series Paper Sale continues with 9 of our packs at 15% off. Click on the image to shop our sale.

Designer Series Paper Sale 2021, Stampin, Up!, SU

Click on any of the products below to be taken to my Online Store. Alternately, contact me to place your order.


All customers who place an order with me will receive a gift from me the following month.

Please use above Host Code for orders under $250. All orders over $250 will receive your own Stampin’ Rewards plus a gift from me.

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