For the beautiful colours of Colour Palette #27 I went with the Earthen Textures bundle. I love being able to switch colours up with suites in the catalogue and give them a fresh look.

This card is quite minimalistic in that it has a lot of white space. I added some Embossing Paste for texture which creates a really pretty background for the simple vase and leaves.

Some added details such as a scalloped border creates extra layers and texture.

View the video below for all the details on how to create this card.

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Purchase a Starter Kit for $169 and choose $235 of product shipped free to you.


Shop in Australia with me Online or by contacting me

Rochelle Ph: 0404 255 001 or email:


All orders receive a handmade Thank You card and a gift from me.

Place an order of $100 by 20th March and receive a kit to make 4 cards using the Textured Notes Bundle from my Card Creations series.