Shop to your heart’s content and don’t pay a cent on shipping – tomorrow only. This offer is valid for 24 hours on orders over $65.

I’ve made this deal even sweeter. Until Friday 21st April you can get a FREE Mystery Bag of goodies with orders over $65. Mystery bag will include products to the value of your order and will contain new and/or used retired products. These could include stamps, dies, bundles, paper, embellishments, kits and more.

This offer is exclusive to me and runs from 19th to 21st April. Orders of $65 or more will qualify for this freebie from me. Please ensure you use the Host Code NMBUMXHR to receive your free goodies.

When your order reaches $90 you will also qualify for my tutorial bundle of the month with over $50 tutorials.

Free shipping is on standard shipping and is only available on 19th April
Mystery Bag offer runs from 19th – 21st April
Orders must be a minimum of $65 to qualify
Last Chance products are only available while supplies last

If you need help placing an order, please get in touch with me by phone 0404 255 001. Please be aware that when I go to place the order, there is a possibility that products may have sold out. Ideally, shopping online will give you a more up-to-the-minute stock availability.

Enjoy the savings!