We have had a fabulous offer on the Stampin’ Up! Starter Kit this entire month. This offer comes to an ends today. For just $169, you can choose anything you like from our Online Store to the value of $286. A Starter Kit is fantastic value and I purchased one 9 years ago and haven’t paid full price for my much loved craft supplies since! I’ve also had amazing experiences and lasting friendships because of Stampin’ Up! and I want you to have the opportunity to experience this as well.

How does this differ to our regular Starter Kit?
Our regular kit is $169 and you can choose $235 of product. So until end of today you can choose an extra $51 of product. The Starter Kit is also shipped free to you so you save even more.
What can you include in the Kit?
You can choose any products you like, including products from the
- 2024-2025 Annual Catalogue
- 2024 September-December Mini Catalogue
- Online Exclusives range
- Pre-order products (not yet released)
- Clearance Rack
- Kits Collection (on sale at the moment)
What are the Benefits?
- It’s a no obligation Starter Kit – you can buy it, try it and see what it’s all about!
- Immediate 20% discount on future purchases whilst being part of Stampin’ Up! This includes anything on sale
- No compulsion to run a business or hold classes.
- Have access to pre-order products prior to release to customers
- See the catalogue early (pre-order for January catalogue available in November
- Opportunity to attend exclusive events
- Have access to an exclusive demonstrator FB group with loads of inspiration
- Be part of my Gifted Stars team – be supported in your creativity and whatever way you need on your Stampin’ Up! journey
- Team training for those who wish to participate in it
- Join from anywhere in Australia
- Lots more amazing benefits
Come along and have fun! There’s nothing to lose. Lots of friendships to be made and experiences to be had.
I would love to welcome you to share in all of it so please give me a call on Ph: 0404 255 001 if you have any questions.